All Thearapies are with Singing Bowl Live Mantras Tune in Divine Of Energy Reiki Universe Symbols healing Soul Body Emotional namaste☀️

Facebook Page Reiki Soul Star Event Live SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2021 AT 10:30 AM UTC+03 – 11:30 AM UTC+03
> ♡ Types Of Reiki Therapies ♡ Healing Day Live

♡ Types Of Reiki Therapies ♡ Healing Day Live
Types Of Reiki Therapies, Choose the Frequency of Reiki Therapy you love for healing☀️

Crystal Reiki
Angel Reiki
Kundalini Reiki
Reiki Usui
Violet Flame Reiki
Sun Quantum Reiki

namaste ☀️

Tree of Life