♡ Courses, Meditations, Orgonite, Therapy Cards, Therapies, Seminars, Books ~

*Reiki Certifications are Internationally recognised with Lineage namaste ♡ I AM Certified for every Reiki Course & for every creation I made in my Reiki Shop with Trust Love Believe Reiki namaste ♡

My Personal Quantum is Healing The Core of Existence with Three Keys TRUTH ACCEPT ACT ☀️

Ευχαριστώ πολύ!

Reiki Soul Star ♡ Creator/Owner Niki Papageorgiou Reiki Grand Master Teacher
♡ Founder of Sun Quantum Reiki ♡ Certified Reiki Courses, Meditations, Therapies

♡ Διαλογισμοί Meditations Live Created as the inspiration Flows Singing Bowl Mantras
Meditations Live by Reiki Soul Star

♡ Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3 Master Teacher
♡ Violet Flame Reiki Master Teacher
♡ Kundalini Reiki Levels 1 – 9 Master Teacher
♡ Angel Reiki Master Teacher
♡ Crystal Reiki Master Teacher
♡ Sun Quantum Reiki Master Teacher
♡ Reiki Grand Master Teacher
Reiki Certifications are Internationally recognised with Lineage namaste♡
I AM Certified for every Reiki Course & for every creation I made in my Reiki Shop with Trust Love Believe Reiki namaste ♡
♡ Receiving with Reiki Courses, Therapies or Meditations, Private Sessions Online or One to One:
♡ Lang. EN, GR / Receiving:
~ Certifications
~ Books
~ Crystals
~ Reiki Boxes
~ Healing Cards
~ Therapies
~ Attunements
~ Meditations
~ Singing Bowl
~ Mantras
~ Orgonite Energetic
~ Healing Soul Body
~ Healing Energy
~ Emotional Health
~ Love Light LightBody Sun
♡ Courses
♡ Meditations
♡ Crystals
♡ Therapies
♡ Reiki Cards
♡ Reiki Books
♡ Orgonite Energetic

♡ Courses ~

Welcome to Reiki Usui  the process of healing ourselves, learning what is Reiki, feel our energy, heal soul & body, learn how to meditate, learn how to focus on ourselves, love ourselves, learning all about the Chakras Body Soul, learning to heal our Chakras and the purpose of their activation in our life health love light, be a Teacher of Reiki Usui namaste 🙏

♡ Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher

Welcome to Violet Flame Reiki Master Teacher with Lineage from the international Accosiation Of Reiki Healers Original Reiki Violet Flame from Quan Yin is Tara (Star) Channeling Ivy Moore

The energy of Violet Flame it is a Quantum energy 💜🕉🙏

Violet flame Reiki is for Soul union especially for Twin flames because the power of those to be ONE is creating the most healing energy that ever exist in space and time namaste 🙏

The union of Twin Flames is the union of the Universe Source with the life it Selves.

namaste 🙏💜🕉

♡ Violet Flame Reiki Master Teacher

Welcome to The Awakening of Selfhealing, Self Knowledge of DNA Healing, reborn, DNA healing programing, Healing Past Birth Future Know The Spine of Heal Light 🙌☀️💛😊

♡ Kundalini Reiki Master Teacher

Welcome to the Angels Light Love connect with the gold souls of the Universe heal with the Angels Learn Trust Believe through the connection of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki to the 49 Angels symbols of the Angel Kingdom of Higher Levels of the Universe

namaste 🙏

♡ Angel Reiki Master Teacher

Crystal Reiki Master/Teacher

Welcome to the Crystal Healing be a Crystal turn the negative energy to positive be the Crystal of your Soul Body Love Light, Symbols of Crystal Healing how to heal with Crystals learn the Crystal be a Crystal Healer

namaste 🙏

♡ Crystal Reiki Master Teacher

Reiki Grand Master Teacher Courses namaste 🙏

Will Receive 5-20 Reiki Levels + Extended 5 Sun Quantum Reiki Levels with the power of Sun & Quantum Reiki, Certificate Diploma, Lineage of Grand Master Reiki, Book Reiki Grand Master Teacher with all the Symbols Attunements, 1 Scepter Crystal & Singing Bowl 🥣 🎶 Handmade from Nebal.

5 Hour’s Learning Reiki Course for 25 Reiki Levels Attunements with Meditations (Frequencies Singing bowl Mantras) for all the Symbols separately with Love light for Vibrate Higher Levels namaste 🙏😊🕉💜☀️

♡ Reiki Grand Master Teacher

Welcome to the Sun Quantum Energy create the healing process with the Sun & Quantum energy of gold energy chi ball of Sho- kurei Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen Solar plexus throu the balance of Birth Solar Quantum light photons.

Sun Quantum Therapy with 55 (54 + Quantum Light Key) keys of healing ourselves with the Frequencies of The Universe & Mother Earth namaste 🙏

Sun the source of life the begging of light life photons the codes of the Sun DNA the life source of healing from the center of the Universe the SUN.

Sun Quantum Reiki belongs to the new rays energies (based on classic Reiki) tune in with Photons, Frequencies, Symbols and are the characteristics for Sun Quantum Reiki, creating the vibration of Quantum Physics that heals the Core of Existence given peace trust believe reborn through the Light LightBody Sun ☀️

♡ Sun Quantum Reiki Master Teacher

♡ Meditations ~

Blessings to my beautiful sister who she was trying for 20years to show me the way of Reiki Life I was like no this is not for me and she was like Reiki is you 😄… I wish her the best health love light namaste my sister Emily I Love you Thank you❤ This Creation of Maditation is daticate to you as you did have the Idea to significantly the way of my Teaching Reiki Thank you from my heart ☀️💛🙌😊❤


Meditations give us the peace path clearings quantum light energy of oneness I AM LIGHT

♡ Meditations

♡ Custom Orgonite Energetic ~

Energy Reiki Chi, Protection from pollution, antenna, electromagnetic radiation, emotional health, body cleansing balance, focus, strong Grounding, symbols Nicola Tesla, Metatron, Reiki STRONG Symbols, Clean Materials from mother earth, crystals, Clean Metalls Pyrite, Galena, Quartz Crystals, Magnetic, Brass, Copper, Gold StonesDust 😊☀️

*handmade by Niki Papageorgiou ♡ Reiki Soul Star

You can order whichever one you like as many you want, orders will be executed in one week😊☀️ or just find the one that is speaking to your soul from the shop 😊☀️

♡ Custom Orgonine Energetic

♡ Therapy Cards ~

Sun Quantum Reiki Cards 54 Symbols ☀️ Healing The Core Of Existence

54 keys of healing ourselves with the Frequencies of The Universe & Mother Earth namaste 🙏

Sun the source of life the begging of light life photons the codes of the Sun DNA the life source of healing from the center of the Universe the SUN

Sun Quantum Reiki belongs to the new rays energies (based on classic Reiki) tune in with Photons, Frequencies, Symbols and are the characteristics for Sun Quantum Reiki, creating the vibration of Quantum Physics that heals the Core of Existence given peace trust believe reborn through the Light LightBody Sun ☀️

Soul Union Frequencies Core Existence ACCEPT TRUTH ACT

*Founder/Artwork Niki Papageorgiou Certified Reiki Grand Master Teacher

Card Size 8cm x 11,5cm very good quality of print offset!!!!


*The Book Of Sun Quantum Reiki will be publish in a few days namaste☀️

♡ Sun Quantum Reiki Cards

Violet Flame Reiki Healing Cards 40symbols☀️

Violet Flame Reiki is from the international Accosiation Of Reiki Healers Original Reiki Violet Flame from Quan Yin is Tara (Star) Channeling Ivy Moore 40Sumbols Of Violet Flame💜🕉🙏

The energy of Violet Flame it is a Quantum energy 💜🕉🙏

Violet flame Reiki is for Soul union especially for Twin flames because the power of those to be ONE is creating the most healing energy that ever exist in space and time namaste 🙏

The union of Twin Flames is the union of the Universe Source with the life it Selves.

*Artwork Niki Papageorgiou Certified Reiki Grand Master Teacher

Card Size 9cm x13cm very good quality of print offset!!!!


♡ Violet Flame Reiki Cards

♡ Therapies ~

Types Of Reiki Therapies, Choose the Frequency of Reiki Therapy you love for healing☀️

Crystal Reiki
Angel Reiki
Kundalini Reiki
Reiki Usui
Violet Flame Reiki
Sun Quantum Reiki

All Thearapies are with Singing Bowl Live Mantras Tune in Divine Of Energy Reiki Universe Symbols healing Soul Body Emotional namaste☀️

♡ Therapies

♡ Seminars ~

Πληροφορίες Συμμετοχής στο Γκρουπ Reiki Soul Star Seminars Online: θα γίνονται περισσότερο απο 10 ώρες μηνιαία Ρέικι που θα περιλαμβάνει
Σεμινάρια, Θεραπείες, Διαλογισμούς, Θεραπείες με Ρέικι Κάρτες (Reading Cards), Πνευματικές Συνομιλίες (Spiritual Talks), Step by Step Reiki (Καθοδήγηση Ρέικι), Ψυχολογία κ Ρέικι, Υγεία Σώμα Ψυχη Συναισθήματα κ Ρέικι,
Μελέτη Ανάλυση του Κβαντικού Ενεργειακού Πεδίου Φωτός Φωτόνια, Νέες Θεραπείες Ρέικι, Αφιέρωμα σε είδη Ρέικι,
Παρουσίαση Ανάλυση Χρήση Καθοδήγηση Sun Quantum Reiki Book ~

~ Θα γίνονται κάθε Σαββατοκύριακο, Τα Events του γκρουπ θα έχουν πάντα το λινκ του γκρουπ κ θα ανακοινωνονται κ μέσα στο γκρουπ, επισης θα αναγράφεται στο κείμενο

♡ Reiki Soul Star Seminars Online Live

♡ Books ~

The Book Of Sun Quantum Reiki will be Published in 2021 latest October☀️

Welcome to the Sun Quantum Energy Healing create the healing process with the Sun & Quantum energy of gold energy chi ball of Sho- kurei Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen Solar plexus throu the balance of Birth Solar Quantum light photons

Sun the source of life the beginning of light life photons the codes of the Sun DNA the life source of healing from the center of the Universe the SUN

Sun Quantum Reiki belongs to the new rays energies (based on classic Reiki) tune in with Photons, Frequencies, Symbols and are the characteristics for Sun Quantum Reiki, creating the vibration of Quantum Physics that heals the Core of Existence given peace trust believe reborn through the Light LightBody Sun ☀️

Quantum Reiki of Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen with all the Universe in one, heal past present future, create your own unique frequency of Universe, bring your Higher Self to the present of your now and be the best version of you love light photons heal

Soul Union Frequencies Core Existence TRUTH ACCEPT ACT




*Founder Niki Papageorgiou Certified Reiki Grand Master Teacher☀️
Reiki Soul Star Academy☀️


Sun Quantum Reiki with 55 (54 + Quantum Light Key) keys of healing ourselves with the Frequencies of The Universe & Mother Earth namaste grateful appreciation ☀️

Available Sun Quantum Reiki Courses Meditations Therapies healing Cards in > Book namaste ☀️